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Social media coach, Whistler mom of 3, marketer & outdoor lover 🎿
I help realtors and business owners succeed with Social Media!

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Social Media Kickstart!

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Welcome to the new year! I am keeping it simple with skipping the whole resolutions thing and getting right into business. I have just awakened from Covid family knockdown and I had some time to reflect on the fact that one should not be wasting any time because you never know when you will be swept off your feet!

I was thinking about what I need to do, right now, the first day back at work, to kickstart the year for my social media clients and for my own business. I love key points so I came up with 5 THINGS YOU CAN DO TODAY to set yourself up for success.

LIVE Facebook Show posted on YouTube: Catherine Aird Social Media. Subscribe and ring the bell to stay up to date.

#1. Delete, organize your photos, videos, and accounts.

Delete the photos and videos you don’t use and organize the rest. Can you clean up your Dropbox folders? Your photo library or organize the folders with images on your desktop? Depending on your system you can figure out what works best. Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect but we can all take 10 minutes to tidy things up.

Same with your accounts. Take a fresh look at your website and social media accounts on desktop and mobile. Is everything accurate? Should you update your bio, cover image, profile image? Maybe edit your Instagram Highlights? Do all your links work? Pretend you are a potential client: how do you show up online?

READ: How to Clean Up your Social Media Accounts.

WATCH: Easy Social Media Strategy for Busy People

#2. Review your analytics

Facebook and Instagram give you access to really good data. What platform is working the best for you? How many (quality) followers do you have? Where do you get the most engagement from? What posts or videos did you do that performed the best?

Learn from your analytics and set yourself up for success by creating similar content to what works. If you are new or not sure, look at the leaders in your industry. What content are they creating that is getting the most engagement?

WATCH: How to Track Your Analytics on Facebook

WATCH: How to Check Your Insights on Instagram

#3. Set some S.M.A.R.T Goals

Don’t concentrate on “having more followers”. Instead, aim for an “increase in engagement”! Here are some ideas of goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based.

  • Drive traffic to your website!
  • Grow your email list
  • Be known
  • Differentiate yourself
  • Try somethign new (ex. Instagram Reels or going Live)
  • Showcase your involvement in the community
  • Start advertising
  • Be social, engage.
  • Increase sales, leads…

#4. Plan, Create, Schedule your content.

This will save you so much time! Not only will you be able to post quality content because you will know in advance what you will be talking about, but it will also allow you to batch create your content, set some time for scheduling your social media, and have the rest of your time free for what matters most: your life, your business. No stress.

WATCH: Simple Social Media Strategy for Busy People

WATCH: How to Use Facebook Creator Studio

#5. Stay Stoked! Community is key.

You can be super keen today, but staying motivated to do a good job at something takes a lot of effort. It’s the same for all best intentions. I have found that the key to success is to keep learning and be part of a community. Keeping up to date and learning about a specific topic keeps you interested and focused. Being part of a group keeps you motivated.

Do not fear! We are here for you. Both Heather and I publish good and easy to follow content on an almost daily basis on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Choose your weapon! You can also join our Social media Academy to learn at your own pace or sign up for live webinars or private coaching sessions.

Whenever you take a course with us, you gain access to our Facebook Private Group. A safe place to ask your questions. We monitor the conversation daily and make sure no questions are left unanswered.

Join the tribe:

Follow @catherineairdsocialmedia Instagram Facebook YouTube

BONUS: Try Something new.

If you keep doing the same thing over and over, there is a good chance that you will get the same results. Kickstart your social media by trying something new! Maybe an Instagram story, an Instagram or Facebook Reel, try to go Live? Step out of the box and see how your audience reacts to it. You’ll be surprised 🙂

Need help with your social media? Reach out! Message me on Facebook or Instagram or visit the Social Media Academy or my website at


January 17, 2022

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