Is social media working for you?

Let me help you promote your business efficiently.

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"If you are looking to build a social media platform for your business, or to expand and improve upon the one you currently have, 

Catherine Aird is your solution”

- Karmel Greenfeld,

"Catherine’s expertise and insights were invaluable to us as we launched our first ever social marketing campaign, and the results were both immediately tangible 

and beyond anything we could have predicted. Highly recommended!”

- Matt Jacques, Vancouver Economic Commission

“That is so awesome. Social media marketing works! 

a client is flying from Alberta to see my listing on Decourcy Island!”

- Susan McGougan, real estate agent

"Working with Catherine was a pleasure and I would recommend 

her to anyone looking for quality work.”

- Johnny Chilton, Foon skis

"Catherine aird & heather clifforD are Facebook advertising gurus! Consistent results with a proven approach, if you plan to be successful in advertising on Facebook... 

Catherine and Heather are two names you need to know!”

-Jason Hetherington, Marketing Expert with Facebook

"You’re a magic woman! I see you put the video on IGTV, people are liking it and following me because of it! 

Thank you for using your magical powers for good, I really appreciate it! ”


Known for my love of the mountains, geeking out and seeking results.

I'm a mom of three, outdoor athlete, and social media coach & marketer based out of Whistler, British Columbia. Using private coaching and webinars, I help small business owners and real estate agents build simple and efficient social media strategies to help showcase products & services while creating a meaningful relationships with their audience.

Originally from Montréal, I have been working in sales and marketing for the past 20 years. I have taken businesses from zero to over 25,000 Facebook fans, mostly organically, and have had the privilege to train with the Facebook Advertising team. 

I have teamed up Heather at Keep It Simple Social Media to build workshops and webinars taught to over 5,000 REALTORS© and business owners to date. I'm here to help you take your social media to the next level. Reach out! 
Instagram @catherineairdsocialmedia


Private Coaching. Sometimes all you need is a bit of a boost.

Our coaching services was requested by our students. A personal social media trainer, like at the gym, minus the sweating. How great is that?! We have two options for you to choose from. 
A quick fix, one hour audit, update/refresher or a 5 hour, 30 day option.

Having a longer commitment will help you take you social media to the next level with a solid content strategy and the tools needed to see tangible results.



Begin at $125/hr.  Request more information.


Social Media Workshops

Is social media working for you?
Are you struggling with posting on your social media accounts with consistency? Do you have a hard time finding new content? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the changes?  Are you seeing any tangible results?

STRATEGY, ADVERTISING, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, Let us help you see the light! Covering each module of our acclaimed Social Media Bootcamp, these customized  hands-on workshops are a mix of powerful learning outcomes, applicable strategies and exercises to leave you feeling empowered. Walk out happy, with an action plan in hand.

Thought online or in person. About one hour including Q&A.





Learn more about our Bootcamp & Workshops

Social Media in Action
Speaking Series

Originally requested by non-profit organizations, real estate brokers and local business owners,  these 45 minute talks,  followed by a dynamic Q&A session are industry specific and give participants the information they need to stand out on social media. Available as a private Live Webinar session and hopefully again one day in person :) 

Learn what's new, what works and what you should start implementing to see, and be able to track, tangible results. 



Request more information.


Begin at $125. Request Info

One-on-one, in a small group, online, at your office or at our Whistler Studio, get a custom solution for your social media needs.

Private Coaching 

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Cheat Sheets, Check Lists, Templates, Blog, Vlog, Favourites!
We've got your covered.

Shop & Free 

We have taught thousands of businesses how to successfully market their products & services on social media. Now it's your time to succeed.

Social Media Courses

Have a question?  Reach Out

Acclaimed Courses & Workshops

Upcoming Events

Learn more

Visit the Online Academy 


students Wall of fame



“Our brand used to be what we told customers. 
Today our brand is what customers tell each other. 

Mark Schaefer - The Marketing Rebellion”

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Whistler, British Columbia  

Catherine Aird Social media

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